QR-Code Based CarTracking System using MQTT
This little side project explores the possibility of using an ESP32-CAM and a QR-Code library to scan QR-Codes placed on the underside of passing cars. So far my prototype was designed with size constraints in mind. Whereas RFID sensors above have the limitation of a reading range too small, optical systems have the problem of the focal length of the camera being too far.
The gallery below shows several aspects related to the project. The actual hardware addon in the form of a scan area enclosure at the focal distance of the camera (which is set to 30-40 mm above the camera lens, by turning the lens about 7 quarter turns counter clock wise (630 degrees)). It also shows the smallest feasible QR code size between the tracks, which is about 5 by 5 millimetres.
This is not working yet, but should be as the works of others have already successfully demonstrated.